Bridlewood Agents

Sterling Peters

Medicare Agent   Sterling came to Bridlewood from United Healthcare.   He wanted to be able to offer his clients all of the potential Medicare coverage options available in the market place, not just the one option he had since he was exclusively contracted with United Healthcare.

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Bill Murray

Agent Manager   Bill has been providing ‘Choices for Medicare Solutions’ to the Southern California community since 2009, and individuals, families and employer groups since 2006. Bill presently serves the needs of more than 500 clients. Prior to health insurance, Bill was a Chief Operating Officer, Vice President and Division Manager in real estate finance

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Mark McWhinney

Agent Manager Mark attended Radford University in 1990. He has worked in many fields since graduating, including work as a flight instructor at King Schools (1992-2003), Terminix International, and in the financial services are with JP Morgan Chase (2010-2013).  He even fished in Alaska for a summer, catching 40,000 pounds of Sockeye salmon.  Since that

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Tim Mack

Medicare Agent For the last three years, Tim has owned and operated an insurance agency in Southern California. At the age of 26 he started his first of many successful businesses and moved to Florida to become a partner and owner in a vacation, hospitality, and timeshare business for 12 years before retiring.

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Evelyn Frazier

Medicare Agent   With more than 20 years of experience as an independent health insurance agent in San Diego, Evelyn joined the Bridlewood team in the summer of 2014. Evelyn’s specialty is working with seniors to demystify the complex Medicare system and to help find the best options for each senior’s unique situation. Most people

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Bernie Ellebrecht

Bernie has more than 24 years experience in the insurance industry, based in San Diego, California.  For many of those 24 years, he has focused on Medicare insurance, and matching the most appropriate plan designed to meet each individual client’s needs.  Bernie has been with Bridlewood since it’s very first days, when there were only

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Barbara Ellebrecht

Medicare Agent Barb has spent the last eight years in the insurance industry, specializing in Medicare products. She is Co-owner of To Insure Me Inc., along with husband Bernie Ellebrecht. She also spent 25 years in the Cottage Craft Industry manufacturing and designing home décor.

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Norm Cruz

After retirement Norm started a second career in the health insurance business. During the past 10 years Norm has narrowed his insurance focus and specialized in Medicare Plans. He enjoys working with people and helping them as they navigate through the many nuances of Medicare Programs. Norm had a long career in hi-tech manufacturing and

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Greg Cross

Medicare Agent Gregg moved from New York four years ago to get away from the snow and cold and to take advantage of the fabulous climate of Southern California. He has had many years of experience selling durable medical equipment to Medicare clients and has developed a good understanding of the needs and fears of

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Ron Coyle

Ron has had a successful life insurance business as an independent agent for the past 23 years. As time has progressed he has come to recognize the growing need that individuals of his generation have in understanding all the options available to back up Original Medicare coverage. With Bridlewood’s full range of Medicare Advantage, Supplemental

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