Medicare News

AARP Responds to 2024 Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports

WASHINGTON—AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins issued the following statement in response to the Medicare and Social Security Trustees Reports released today: “While there was good news today in the Trustees Reports, older Americans need certainty that Medicare and Social Security will be protected. For long term sustainability, Congress owes it to the American people to

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AARP Responds to 2024 State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON—Today, AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union address: “AARP was encouraged that the State of the Union addressed many of the most important issues to older Americans today, including protecting Social Security, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and addressing our nation’s caregiving

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AARP Statement on House Committee Approval on Fiscal Commission Legislation

WASHINGTON—AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond issued the following statement today following the House Budget Committee vote approving fiscal commission proposals that include Social Security and Medicare: “Today’s vote by the House Budget Committee sets up a process where 7 Members of Congress can ram through drastic cuts to

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Whats new for Medicare in 2024?

Saving money on your prescription drugs Starting January 1, 2024, if you have Medicare drug coverage (Part D) and your drug costs are high enough to reach the catastrophic coverage phase, you don’t have to pay a copayment or coinsurance. Extra Help—a program that helps cover your Part D drug costs—will expand to cover more

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Does Medicare pay for all surgeries?

Medicare only covers medically necessary surgical procedures. Medicare defines medically necessary services as “health care services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease, or its symptoms – and that meet accepted standards of medicine.” Medicare further defines medically necessary services as ones that: Are proper and needed for

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What is the Medicare SNF Three-Day Rule?

Medicare covers skilled nursing facility (SNF) care in certain circumstances, but some situations can impact what is covered or even or if SNF care will be covered and your costs for that care. If you are in the hospital, your doctor can order observation services to decide if you should be admitted to the hospital

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What is the Two-Midnight rule in Medicare?

Whether or not to admit you as an inpatient to a hospital is a decision made by your doctor after reviewing your medical situation, and they decide whether it is necessary to admit you to the hospital. According to Medicare, an inpatient admission is generally appropriate when you’re expected to need 2 or more midnights

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